How can I make Kdevelop more useful for python?

Richard Dale rdale at
Wed Nov 15 09:35:00 UTC 2006

On Wednesday 15 November 2006 08:34, Jakob Petsovits wrote:
> > 2) Has there been any developments on code completion for python? The
> > project browser shows available classes and functions, so I imagine some
> > parsing is there already.
> No, there hasn't yet been an attempt to get Python code completion working.
> It should be possible to get it working by either porting the KDevelop 3.4
> Python language support to KDevelop 4 and then taking Hamish's C++ code
> completion method to the ported plugin. Another possibility is to rework
> the Python parser so that it uses the "new" kdevelop-pg parser generator,
> and build the plugin from scratch on top of that.
> Either way, proper Python support is a major undertaking, even more so we
> appreciate your help with this.
Code completion only really works well with explicitally statically typed 
languages like C++, Java or C#. There isn't the type info there in Python or 
Ruby to be able to do a good job in the code editing stage. It's possible to 
get something working, but I personally would find half working code 
completion more annoying than no code completion at all. The Ruby irb shell 
has code completion because it allows you to interact with running code where 
all the type info is known. So I would prefer to base the KDevelop 4 Ruby 
support on a visual GUI shell for irb, rather than imitate the IDE style of 
static languages. I'm not sure whether Eric3/Eric4 or any other Python IDE 
has code completion.

-- Richard

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