RFC: Better Simplified-IDEAL tab drawing
Matthew Woehlke
mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Fri Nov 10 21:37:27 UTC 2006
Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 10.11.06 14:25:32, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> What I want is for my style to draw a "button" differently depending
>> on if it is a normal button, or one of KDevelop's "tabs". A technique
>> that could be used by other apps implementing such tab bars would be
>> nice, which is why I though of overloading the style flags.
> I don't think this is very practical, because the style then has to know
> a specific application it is used with.
Well, the only thing that might be *practical* would be to change
KDevelop to draw tabs instead of buttons, but I imagine that would have
other problems. I'm not sure there is a solution that does not require
support from the style, but this seemed like a good compromise; drawing
buttons is "ok" (and works well for some styles, less so for others;
like the one I wrote :-)), adding hint flags so supporting styles could
draw them as tabs is better.
But if you have a better idea I'm certainly listening.
> Anyway, adymo will probably have much better answers for you.
Guess I'll just have to wait and hope adymo pipes in, then...
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