new 3.4 build errors

Bernd Schubert bernd-schubert at
Fri May 26 23:28:22 UTC 2006

On Friday 26 May 2006 14:48, Bernd Schubert wrote:
> So I'm not allowed to have libldap and libnfsid map installed without
> having their -dev packages installed?

Ah, sorry found it, libldap2 seems to be linked to many libs/applications 
without real usage. Linking it it to kdevelop is due to its linkage to other 
kde-libs. The usage of libnfsidmap is due to my libacl which was linked 
against libnfsidmap. Those sub-dependencies still look a bit odd, but there 
are not the fault of kdevelop.

Sorry for the noise!

Bernd Schubert
PCI / Theoretische Chemie
Universität Heidelberg
INF 229
69120 Heidelberg

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