new 3.4 build errors

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri May 26 21:22:50 UTC 2006

On 26.05.06 20:05:42, Bernd Schubert wrote:
> > However I do not have libnfsidmap or libnfsidmap-dev installed and I
> > also don't see any nfsidmap mentioned in any build-system-file. I guess
> > it is pulled in by another lib (or it's linking flags). I also don't see
> > -lldap mentioned in the snipped above. Did you specify any
> > configure-flags?
> Only "./configure --prefix=/home/bernd/local/ --disable-final --enable-debug=full"
> My guess is that its libtool related. The libnfsidmap message shows even an 
> sed error, this is clearly not compiler related. 
> Don't know what it is up to, but when libnfsidmap is not installed, it doesn't 
> have a problem. Only when its installed, it also wants to have 
> libnfsidmap-dev. Thats what I'm complaining about ;) Same goes for libldap.
> Unfortunately I have absolutely no experience with libtool, so far I refused 
> to use it for my project.

Well, it seems this is not a kdevelop issue at all, so you should maybe
try to solve this with the package maintainer that provides you with
libtool. To me it seems that some libtool pulls in libraries
unconditionally, this cannot be detected during configuration time by
kdevelop as it is more or less unique to your libtool.

BTW: I'm using debian unstable's libtool 1.5.22-4


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