3.4 build error

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu May 25 21:42:37 UTC 2006

On 25.05.06 23:07:46, Bernd Schubert wrote:
> I have no idea why, but g++ just refuses to include 
> kdevelop/lib/interfaces/extensions/codebrowserfrontend.h
> If I change in this header file the definition KDEVAPPFRONTEND_H to something 
> different it works. I just would like to know why, for the compilation of 
> this specific file I don't see any other definition of KDEVAPPFRONTEND_H.

Just did an svn up, and while I do see 2 ifdef's with the same value
(KDEVAPPFRONTEND_H) compilation works here. Did you do a make distclean
or at least a make clean before building?

Maybe that double ifdef is by purpose, but I doubt it, probably Andras
will fix it soon.


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