KDevelop's UI - How Difficult to Extract for Own Program?

Alexander Dymo dymo at mk.ukrtelecom.ua
Thu May 25 17:26:17 UTC 2006

On Thursday 25 May 2006 07:06, jsmith435 at cox.net wrote:
> I like your UI where you have the buttons at the bottom and sides that when
> clicked open small windows to do various things.  This concept is I think
> perfect for another application I'm currently designing.

> My questions is this a standard widget of sorts, or is KDevelop's UI home
> grown by you all?  If so, in your minds, how difficult would it be to
> extract the UI code and bring it into a new application?
You have two opportunities: 
1) to use KDevelop platform, i.e. link to several KDevelop libraries
to automatically get UI and plugin infrastructure.
This way you can easily implement plugins showing the toolviews
with virtually no code.
See www.ki-inform.com/~adymo/files/bourne_ide.tar.bz2
for an example (it's a platform application prototype 
I wrote a long time ago, so it might not compile but should give you an idea).

2) use KMDI or newui library
kmdi is in kdelibs, newui is in kdevelop/src/newui
kdevelop/src/simplemainwindow.cpp(h) for newui
and kdevelop/src/newmainwindow.cpp(h) for kmdi

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