MI branch merge

Matt Rogers mattr at kde.org
Sat May 20 13:28:10 UTC 2006

On Saturday 20 May 2006 08:13, Andras Mantia wrote:
> Some more bugs:
> 1) if you edit a line which had a breakpoint set and press enter, the
> new lines will also have a breakpoint set. Same issue if you just
> insert lines somewhere: the breakpoints are not moved but are fixed to
> the line numbers. This is a bad regression to 2.x days, something I
> fixed for the old debugger early in 3.0 development. Basicly means
> setting breakpoints useless because as soon as you edit the document
> they will not be at the point you really want to. Just enter some lines
> and delete some others and everything will be a mess. :-(
> 2) After doing what is in 1) Delete All breakpoints does not work. I
> suspect the bug is just the same: improper handling of lists (e.g when
> deleting items).
> 3) I miss the buttons to delete all or one breakpoint. Using the context
> menu requires extra click and mouse movements. Anyway, if you only keep
> the menu, add icons there so the menu items are found more easily.
> 4) when debugging the following for loop:
>   for (KURL::List::ConstIterator i = urls.begin(); i != urls.end(); ++i)
>   {
>     if (!QExtFileInfo::exists(*i, true, this))
>     ...
>   }
> in the variables view the content of i (i->node->data) is OK the first
> time, but after stepping to the next iteration, it is not, it shows the
> first value for i->node->data. Only the following fields are updated:
> i->node
> i->node->next
> i->node->prev
> i->node->data->d
> but not anything like:
> i->node->data0>m_strPath...
> This makes debugging such loops impossible.
> 5) I have some code which look like this:
>  KMimeType::List list = KMimeType::allMimeTypes();
>  KMimeType::List::iterator it;
>  bool status = false;
>  KMimeType::Ptr mime = KMimeType::findByURL(url);
>  QString mimetype = mime->name();
> when entering the method, for mimetype the variables view shows
> (inaccessible). After stepping through the line where it is
> initialized, it is still (inaccessible). Obvisouly it *has* some value.
> 6) this might not be a debugger problem, but I noticed that with 3.4 if
> I type something and try to undo, the editor looses the focus after the
> first undo => you have to click to the editor to perform more undo
> steps.
> I will send more mails as soon as I find the bugs.
> Andras

you know where bugzilla is. Please prefix bugs with the MI stuff with [MI] or 
MI: or some sort of similar prefix.

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