mailinglist problem?

KDevelop Developer Mailinglist kdevelop-devel at
Mon May 8 14:00:06 UTC 2006

KDevelop Developer Mailinglist wrote:
> On Monday 08 May 2006 15:54, KDevelop Developer Mailinglist wrote:
>>No, we finaly have a new mailinglist server.
>>And I configured it to hide all e-mail addresses.
>>As you all know I really hate Spammers, e-mail harverters and the like!
> Well, it's not convenient actually and very bad for the archives.
yeap, you are 100% correct, I've forgotten the archives.

> And btw spammers already know my address so I am not going to stop receiving
> spam after this change
The idea is not to stop the spammers that already have our addresses.
The idea is to stop the spammers that not yet have our addresses.

Amilcar Lucas

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