Status of Qt4 qmake support

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Jul 30 21:42:11 UTC 2006

On 30.07.06 23:05:59, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 30.07.06 15:39:30, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> > Also, do you think the custom variable stuff I attempted is
> > salvageable to work for custom build steps?
> I have absolutely no idea, luckily I didn't need to dive too deep into
> the non-gui code (yet).

I think custom variables should work. What I don't know if it works atm
is something like this:

CONFIG += qt console newstuff
    newstuff {
        SOURCES += new.cpp
        HEADERS += new.h

I don't think it will, because the current "parser" won't remember that
newstuff was set. We probably need the qmake parser+AST for that (well
it could be done with the current stuff, but IMHO the work is not worth

If you have example projects (either qt3 or qt4) that you can share (via
PM if you like) that would be really great. I guess in most cases you
can just rip off any source files and it will still be useful.

A quick test with a custom variable that is used inside the contains
function to provide a custom scope worked so far.


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