Patch for better Qt4 support

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Jul 21 11:43:42 UTC 2006

On 21.07.06 06:59:57, Adam Treat wrote:
> On Friday 21 July 2006 5:11 am, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > here it is, my first try to provide better (as in: more easy to use) Qt4
> > support for KDevelop 3.4. The attached patch compiles fine here and I
> > also made sure that with a qmake project everything works as before.
> Awesome Andreas!

Thanks :-) This first step was pretty easy though.

> > - Check for validity of the Qt directory given in the C++ configuration
> >   page
> > - Check the existing qmake templates to make sure that they configure
> >   the Qt options correctly, eventually asking for a Qt directory upon
> >   creation (not sure wether the "wizard" supports this).
> > - Improve qmake4 support, IIRC the qmake manager didn't get along very
> >   well with a Qt4 project I had, I'll try to at least make him recognize
> >   the various new variables
> > - improve the subclassing right-click menu and class wizard to provide
> >   correct subclassing for Qt4 .ui files (for now I'll start with the
> >   multiple inheritance method)
> I haven't looked at the patch yet, but it is good that you are taking this on.   

Well, according to a recent discussion, no one would otherwise and as
kdevelop3.4 will be there for quite some time I think it is necessary
and even more important than the other 2 projects I'm working on.
(According to some of the mails on k-c-d it could well take another year
until kdelibs4 is out).

> KDevelop works 'good enough' with Qt4 for me by just setting the ( three 
> different sets ) environment variables in configure/make/run, however I'm 
> sure more Qt4 integration will be appreciated.

For me, working on a Qt4 porting project, especially the designer
integration was a mess. Of course I could start kdevelop with PATH
adjusted (and QTDIR set via the options), but somehow this doesn't feel
right ;-)


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