KDevelop4 project file
Matt Rogers
mattr at kde.org
Thu Jul 20 17:58:41 UTC 2006
On Thu, Jul 20, 2006 at 10:15:20AM -0400, Adam Treat wrote:
> On Thursday 20 July 2006 5:42 am, Andras Mantia wrote:
> > On Thursday 20 July 2006 12:10, Andras Mantia wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > As I read in the commits, the project files are now in INI format.
> > > Is the structure of them described somewhere? I cannot find any
> > > discussion relating to this change, so it kind'a caught me at
> > > surprise and now I really wonder what is the good way to put my stuff
> > > in the project file. Until now it was easy, I put everything under
> > > the "project" node, and extending the "items" nodes with our own
> > > attributes was easy. How should I go on now? Of course, I could use
> > > my own XML file and insert a line in the kdev4 project file pointing
> > > to this XML file, but that is far from being ideal.
> Yes, I've discussed this change many times in many different forums. I've
> discussed it on IRC with mattr, hamish and adymo. The folks who I knew to be
> working on kdevelop4. I've discussed this on k-c-d in the course of a patch
> to kconfig to allow this. I've discussed this on the commit messages I've
> made. Finally, I've written documentation in the actual source files. But,
> no, you are right, I didn't discuss it here... Sorry.
> The project files are now in INI style format, it is true. This is because we
> now use the KConfig framework for project settings too. This has the benefit
> that we can use KConfigXT and that all settings are saved in the exact same
> way. This is how it works:
> When a project is opened any changes to the settings will be reflected in the
> project file(s). When a project is not currently opened any changes to the
> settings will be reflected as normal... in $USER/.kde4/config/kdeveloprc
> This means that we have one configuration dialog for both kdevelop and the
> project. When a project is opened it is in project mode. When a project is
> not opened it is in regular 'configure kdevelop' mode. I will be making a
> change to the top-level menu item to reflect this. When a project is opened
> it will read 'configure project' and when a project is not opened it will
> read 'configure kdevelop'.
> Now, what does a kdevelop plugin developer need to know in order to use all of
> this? Just a few things.
> 1. All settings are saved to the global KConfig object. Period. The
> framework handles the project opening behind the scenes. Again, when a
> project is opened the framework initializes the global KConfig object to
> point to project file(s). When a project is not currently open the framework
> initializes the global KConfig object to point to regular config files.
> 2. You SHOULD NOT access the global KConfig object through KGlobal::config()
> anymore. Instead, you should access it through three different methods:
> KDevConfig::standard() <-- This is the usual way you will access it. Only in
> very rare cases will you need to access it from the other two methods.
> KDevConfig::localProject() <-- If you are making a setting without KConfigXT
> and wish to make sure the setting is NOT saved in the global shareable
> project file, then you can use this.
> KDevConfig::globalProject <-- You should rarely if ever use this. It is
> operationally the same as standard. It may be removed.
> 3. You should be using KConfigXT for your settings dialogs wherever possible.
> You can find examples of this in the documentview part, the cmake part and in
> the shell. We have two new classes that should be used for this:
> KDevCModule and KDevConfigSkeleton. They should be used in place of their
> respective parents. They enable the possibility of specifying settings that
> should only be saved in the local project file such as hard coded paths.
> Again, look at the cmake settings as an example, but the idea is that you
> implement one virtual method in KDevCModule that points to a data file which
> lists the settings that can not be shared. The framework will then take care
> to place those settings in the local project file, not the global project
> file.
> The advantages to this are numerous:
> * Plugin developers don't have to worry about whether settings belong in the
> project or in the regular config. Settings are settings. When a project is
> opened then settings are given a project scope. When a project is not opened
> then settings are given a regular scope.
> * Users don't have to wonder how to find a particular setting... "Is it in
> the project config or is it in the regular config"... there is only one place
> to get/set settings. The config dialog.
> * We can finally pass around kdevelop project files and commit them to svn.
> The global project file should be safe (ie, it won't contain hardcoded paths
> or environment variables) to commit.
> * All settings can be configured on an individual project basis. A project
> manager could finally define AStyle settings for the whole project, for
> instance. And developers who work on more than one project might have AStyle
> settings for each different project.
> > As I look in the code it seems that now the project file cannot be
> > accessed at all, only via KDevFileManager, to manipulate folders/files.
> > No extra information can be stored in the project file?
> > Maybe I miss something, but this is a step back compared to KDevelop3
> > architecture.
> No, you can no longer access the old projectdom. That's because we are no
> longer using it. It all goes through KConfig now.
> But, OF COURSE, you can access the project file. It is just done in a
> different way... through KConfig... actually through KDevConfig ;)
Of course you now realize that all of this needs to go into some API
documentation somewhere, right? (and no, I'm not volunteering) :)
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