RFC: Improving Qt4 designer support in kdevelop3.4

Jens Dagerbo jens.dagerbo at gmail.com
Thu Jul 20 09:41:34 UTC 2006

On 7/20/06, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:

> The code that executes designer is in src/partcontroller.cpp and I
> haven't yet found a way to access the project configuration from
> there... So all I can see that would be possible atm is a possibility to
> choose the designer binary inside the kdevelop settings dialog...
> Any pointers as to how I could get the information from the current
> project would be appreciated (pointers to the classes to be used are
> fine).

Something along these lines (untested):

QDomDocument * dom = API::getInstance()->projectDom();
if ( dom != 0 )
  QString property = DomUtil::readEntry( *dom, "/path/to/property" );

Of course, this will (apparently, I'm out of the loop right now)
change in KDev4...

// jens

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