Project config and KMessageBox' dontAskAgainName

Jens Dagerbo jens.dagerbo at
Thu Jan 19 16:46:06 UTC 2006

On 1/19/06, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas <amilcar at> wrote:
> Vladimir Prus wrote:
> > I think it will be one group in kdeveloprc, so yes removing them all is
> > possible. But I don't see a good position in UI. If I add just "reset don't
> > ask again" for debugger, then the "Configure KDevelop" dialog will have a tab
> > for debugger with just one option -- a bit ugly.
> Ugly for now, but latter more options might come.
> I prefer this option.

No, please. That would be horrible. Let's not add whole option pages
for configurations that noone will use.

The options, imho:

1. Add a button/setting somewhere in the main KDevelop settings that
says 'Reset all "don't ask" questions.' Ugly, but easy.

2. Give the debugger settings a radio button group checkbox that says
"Rebuild source before debugger starts?- Yes / No / Ask". The dialog
question is Ask. Don't ask again simply sets Yes or No depending on
the answer to the dialog.

3. Don't make it an option, always ask when the source has changed.
It's a reasonable enough question under those conditions and the
answer is likely to vary, even within the same project. ("What? I
haven't changed a thing!? Oh, right. I fixed that typo in the comment.
No, don't rebuild.")

// jens

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