Purpose of "buildtools" .so and .la files

Jeremy Laine jeremy.laine at m4x.org
Tue Jan 17 13:57:02 UTC 2006

Hi Jens and thanks for answering!

> What you are looking at are on-demand loaded plugins.

Any idea why these files are in /usr/lib as opposed to all the other 
plugins that live in /usr/lib/kde3 ?

>> /usr/lib/libkdevautomakeimporter.so
>> /usr/lib/libkdevautomakeimporter.la
>> /usr/lib/libkdevcustomimporter.so
>> /usr/lib/libkdevcustomimporter.la
>> /usr/lib/libqmakeimporter.so
>> /usr/lib/libqmakeimporter.la
> These are used by the project wizard to setup kdevelop projects from
> existing source.

The strange thing is that when I remove the files, KDevelop still seem 
to behave the same, I am able to create/open/import automake managed 
projects just fine! I haven't yet tried for qmake project but I'll give 
it a try.


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