Odd crash, re-tag RC2?

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Tue Dec 19 17:52:28 UTC 2006

Alexander Dymo wrote:
> On Tuesday 19 December 2006 03:13, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>> BTW: I just today noticed that the Application output is purple now!
>> While that makes for a pretty colourful kdev3, I'm not really sure I
>> like it ;)
> Yeah, for me it's more grey than purple. What was the reason to make it
> not black?

Because, for example, my background color is really dark, so black is 
really hard to read. :-)

IOW that's my fault; it was changed (ProcessListBoxItem::paint in 
processwidget.cpp) to use from-your-color-scheme colors instead of 
hard-coded values. But purple doesn't sound right. What are your window 
text/background and link visited colors? What is producing the output?

Errors (stderr, I think) was dark red, and should now be 'link visited'. 
Warnings (not sure how a warning is detected? ...echoing of the command 
line seems to be one, though) should be window text, and everything else 
should be halfway between window text and window background. At least it 
seems to be working for me, but I am happy to help tweak things here.

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