Settings that should not be in the project file

Matt Rogers mattr at
Tue Dec 5 13:25:47 UTC 2006

Erik wrote:
> I use KDevelop on a project and one day I committed the project file so 
> that other developers can also start using KDevelop. A workmate 
> complained that he also uses KDevelop for the project, that he uses the 
> same filename as I had committed, and that my settings do not work for 
> him. The problem is that the project file does not only store 
> information that is specific to the project itself, but also a few 
> settings that are specific to the developer's system or personal 
> preferences:
> <numberofjobs>1</numberofjobs> This depends on the number of CPU's on the system, so it does not belong in the project file.
>     <splitheadersource>
>       <enabled>true</enabled>
>       <synchronize>true</synchronize>
>       <orientation>Vertical</orientation>
>     </splitheadersource>
> This depends on the display's width and does not belong in the project file.
> <automaticCodeCompletion>true</automaticCodeCompletion> This depends on the programmers personal preference and does not belong in the project file.

We are already aware of this. There are even more settings that are 
user-specific than the ones you pointed out. We've already started 
addressing this for KDevelop 4. Our current recommendation is to not 
share your .kdevelop files for KDevelop 3. There's not much you can do 


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