Project option

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Aug 15 15:19:06 UTC 2006

On 15.08.06 13:12:15, Alexander Saal wrote:
> > > > What? I don't quite get what the problem is. Is it that the header
> > file
> > > > of the closed project is automatically put into the new project? That
> > is
> > > > a bug, but I never saw something like that.
> > > 
> > > yes you have right, that is it.
> > 
> > Hmm, I can't reproduce this here. Adding a file to a project's HEADERS
> > and then opening another project doesn't take over that file. Maybe
> > those 2 projects of yours just happen to have the same header file, i.e.
> > with the same name?
> no, the header files have not the same name. the real problem is. i add
> the header file of my project, that i have a codecompletion for this.

So you're talking about the code completion stuff...

> i create a new project, then i open the option dialog from my new project
> and i see the header files are included from my old project. why???

To be able to share the code completion database between projects.

> you have say, this is a bug, right :)

Not it's not a bug.

> the solution is, you or other create a seperately section in the project
> file, with this header directory or header files. this directoy or the path
> to this header file must not complete ( like this ../include )

I don't see a problem here at all. So you have that entry in the list of
code completion databases, just don't activate it for the new project
if you don't need it there.

The databases for code completion are "global" so you don't have to
create a database for Qt or KDE for every single project. This saves
time and space on disk.


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