Google Summer of Code 2006 Project proposals

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at
Tue Apr 18 22:41:11 UTC 2006


On Tuesday 18 April 2006 01:48, Matt Rogers wrote:
> Hi,
> As you may have heard/read, Google will be doing Summer of Code again for
> 2006. I'd like those of you interested to think of ideas for projects that
> could be done for KDevelop trunk. Depending on the project, some projects
> could also be for KDevelop 3.4 as well, although I don't as of yet know
> when we'll do the final release for that.
> Initially, we'll have to track projects here on the mailing list, and I'll
> hopefully be able to move them to a wiki page soon.

Since I won't have time for mentoring and I am too little involved in kdevelop 
development, I post it here:

Currently KDevelop doesn't have reliable C++ code 
navigation/autocompletion/refactoring support.

We have our own C/C++ parser with r++ (AFAIK). There are also other options to 
implement this, each with different pros and cons.
As there are:

Maybe these should be considered too ?
From a quick view at the kscope screenshots this looks *very* promising. I 
know more or less nothing about ctags. gcc-xml is slow, but will consume 
everything gcc eats.
Having good support for this kind of stuff is very important for the future of 

Work: alexander.neundorf AT -
Home: neundorf AT                -
      alex AT               -

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