change of maintainership in KDevelop

Matt Rogers mattr at
Wed Apr 5 01:33:06 UTC 2006

On Sunday 02 April 2006 15:13, amilcar wrote:
> Hi, you have my vote too.

thanks. :)

> On a diferent topic, I plan to postpone the release of 3.4 alpha 1,
> because I´m traveling for the next two weeks.
> Tentative release date should be 20 April.
> If someone else would like to do it, then step forward.

If you have time and are willing to continue to do the releases, I'm fine with 
that. I can also take them over if needed.

> I plan to continue my KDevelop support has webmaster, bugkeeper, and forum
> helper. I will step down from coding because my time is limited and I´m
> coding mostly VHDL and PHP, so nowadays "emacs is my friend" and my C++
> skils are not that sharp. :(

Thanks for your continuing work in that role, it's really appreciated.

> Regards,
> Amilcar Lucas
> PS: I really miss cervisia/cvs. Anyone knows of a nice SVN GUI frontend
> with kdiff3 integration ?

Maybe kdesvn (you can search for it on is what you're looking 


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