Direction of KDevelop4

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at
Thu Sep 22 15:05:05 UTC 2005

On Thursday 22 September 2005 14:36, Kuba Ober wrote:
> On Wednesday 21 September 2005 16:07, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:
> > The hand written part of the KDevelop website has
> > 550 000 lines of code.
> > 250 000 links.
> I'm dumb this morning. What are those numbers? I mean, who wrote half a
> million lines of code for the website?
I committed 60% of them. (So says the CVS log) :)

> What does the code do?
Builds a very friendly site with ZERO regressions.

> And who put  
> quarter of a million links there?
Me helped a lot! and PHP and MySQL and python and XSLT and bash.

> Where are all those links?!
Distributed in the 1800 handwritten webpages (in 15 languages).

> And where to  would they be?
I would say 70% are internal and 30% are external (link to other site i.e. 
bugilla, websvn, mailing-lists, i18n.kde, docs.kde)

> Or maybe I just don't see those things :( 
Look again, they are there. I tested the website for broken links two weeks 
ago, it took me 7 hours using a local copy of the website on my local 
machine. That is why I know that:
- we do not have broken external links (in pages that are less that 3 years 
- we do not have broken internal links.
- we have 250 000 links.
- we have 1800 handwritten webpages.

> Whis is more like 10mb of documentation + 110mb of markup I'd imagine. How
> big is the kdevelop head?
The website has both the "API" and the "platform API" documentation.

> (I don't have one handy). Does a single kdevelop 
> version generate 120mb worth of html output from doxygen? That's scary ;)

Amilcar Lucas
Current webmaster
The KDevelop project

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