FW: ClearCase integration with QMake project

Patrick Noffke patrickn at adpro.com.au
Tue Sep 6 01:07:09 UTC 2005

Perhaps folks on this list will be able to help with this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mailing list agent [mailto:mdom at barney.cs.uni-potsdam.de]On Behalf
Of Patrick Noffke
Sent: Monday, 5 September 2005 2:44 PM
To: kdevelop at kdevelop.org
Subject: RE: ClearCase integration with QMake project

Thank you, that helps.  Unfortunately, our directory structure doesn't follow the /view/<view_name>/vobs/<project> heirarchy.  I am investigating changing the clearcasepart to use cleartool for determining whether to present the ClearCase context menu.

My initial thought is to run:  cleartool pwv.

If you have a view set and are within a vob directory, this command will return output such as:

Working directory view: <view_name>
Set view: <view_name>

If you have a view set and are not within a vob directory, this command will return output such as:

Working directory view: ** NONE **
Set view: <view_name>

If you do not have a view set, but are within a vob directory, this command will return output such as:

Working directory view: <view_name>
Set view: ** NONE **

Finally, if you do not have a view set, and are not within a vob directory, this command will return:

Working directory view: ** NONE **
Set view: ** NONE **

So it would seem searching the output of this command for the string "** NONE **" would be sufficient to decide if the clearcase context menu should be shown.  

I believe this approach would work with snapshot views as well.  The "working directory view" is determined (by clearcase) by going up the directory tree until it finds a .view.dat file.  If so, and a view is set, the 'cleartool pwv' output should not contain the string "** NONE **".

My concern is how and when to run the cleartool binary.  QProcess doesn't appear have a way to start a process, read its output, and wait for completion, all from within a single function.  I don't know enough about the internals of the signals and slots mechanism, but if it's some sort of main event loop, I believe that if I tried blocking (e.g. on a semaphore) in the contextMenu function until the cleartool process exited, the QProcess slots would never get called.  And the place where I'd want to signal the semaphore would be in a slot receiving the QProcess processExited() signal.  I also don't really like the idea of blocking until the process completes.

Can anyone suggest an appropriate "how and when" to run cleartool for the purpose of determining if the ClearCase menu should be presented?


-----Original Message-----
From: Mailing list agent [mailto:mdom at barney.cs.uni-potsdam.de]On Behalf
Of Amilcar do Carmo Lucas
Sent: Friday, 2 September 2005 6:13 PM
To: kdevelop at kdevelop.org
Subject: Re: ClearCase integration with QMake project

On Friday 02 September 2005 02:40, Patrick Noffke wrote:
> Does anyone know how to make ClearCase integration work with a QMake
> project?  I'm using ClearCase 2003.06.01, and I'm working within dynamic
> views.  My KDevelop version is 3.2.2 on a FC3 host, KDE version
> 3.4.2-0.fc3.2 Red Hat.

This is the info we can provide you with:

Amilcar Lucas
Current webmaster
The KDevelop project

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