Qt4 support

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Wed Oct 12 00:05:05 UTC 2005

KDevelop 3.3.x claims (see features on the website):
support for QT4, different code is generated for Qt3.x and Qt4.x projects

My questions are: 

1) is there a template for Qt4 projects? It seems no, so this should be 
clarified that the current templates are for qt3. If there is a kdevelop 3.4, 
it'll need a qt4 template in my opinion.

2) In Project Options, C++ Specific, Qt tab, what does the Setting of Qt4 
pointing to the Qt 4 dir does here? If QTDIR is set to point to Qt3 then this 
choice does nothing.

3) Is the QTDIR to be set in Project Options -> Make Options to point to qt4 
to bypass the system QTDIR?

I'd like to know how it works so I can make a short tutorial or a FAQ entry to 
help confused users....

Thanks for any insight,


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