Debugger maintainers (was Re: maintainers (was Re: Me wants me RIDE ;)

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at
Wed Oct 5 11:43:02 UTC 2005

On Wednesday 05 October 2005 11:23, Vladimir Prus wrote:
> Yes, but I have some further plans. Now, if you have two debuggable
> progams, things are inconvenient -- if both accept different arguments, you
> need to manually change arguments each time you switch to debugging another
> program.

I'm way ahead of you! :)
It already works like that!
Each target has it's own arguments that are used if the "main arguments" are 
left blank.
You can set the target run arguments by RMB'ing it.

> What I wanted is something like Eclipse. You define several debug targets,
> and each has separate set of options (like arguments). In KDevelop, it will
> be convenient to attach debug options to the targets in project view, with
> extra ability to create several debug options for a single target.

Currently there are no extra debug options for a single target. That one is 
still missing :)

Amilcar Lucas
Current webmaster
The KDevelop project

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