KDevelop / Bachelor thesis

Jakob Petsovits jpetso at gmx.at
Mon Oct 3 20:43:09 UTC 2005

On Monday 03 October 2005 16:09, Roberto Raggi wrote:
> Hi Jakob!
> What do you think about Java? Currently we are using an ANTLR based parser
> for the javasupport, but I would like to rewrite it for KDevelop4. You may
> want to take a look at kdevelop-pg. kdevelop-pg is the new parser generator
> we wrote for KDevelop 4.

Would be a great thing to implement.
I hope kdevelop-pg still leaves some work for me to do ;-)

I suppose the well-defined area that I should work out then would be the Java 
parser (with assistance from kdevelop-pg) and the rest of a proper language 
support, most importantly class store and code completion, right?

> kdevelop-pg is not 100% feature complete! for instance we need to implement
> the error recovery, but it has a couple of interesting features, like AST
> generation and code refactoring support.

Just to make sure: Did I get it right that you're planning on making 
kdevelop-pg feature complete yourself and leave only the Java part to me?

I'm meeting the prof on Wednesday, which is when I propose the topic to him 
and get to know if he's alright with it. Till then, or before, best wishes,

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