Qt4 App template

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Nov 2 09:53:03 UTC 2005

On 01.11.05 17:28:08, Anne-Marie Mahfouf wrote:
> On Tuesday 01 November 2005 16:49, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > this is a request for a feature to support distributions where Qt4 and
> > Qt3 are installed via package manager side by side. Now I don't know how
> > other linux distros do this, but debian renamed all qt4-binaries to
> > <app>-qt4, i.e. qmake is now qmake-qt4. The same happens with the
> > binaries from Qt3 and qmake is then a symlink into debian's alternative
> > System. Now I don't want to change all  the alternatives from qt3 to qt4
> > if I develop on a qt4 project and then back to qt3 if I work on qt3 or
> > kde3 project. So I'd like to have an option to specifiy the names for
> > binaries, like qmake, uic, rcc or designer, via  project options.
> hmm, usually we simply do that by setting the correct QTDIR either pointing to 
> qt3 or to qt4.

I know, but I have to set both QTDIR and PATH in a terminal and then
start kdevelop, whereas normally I just press a key-combo and kdevelop

> I don't see how in kdevelop we can support these alternative symlinks and how 
> to make that work also for all distributions.

I did not ask to support alternatives-system of debian, just a lineedit
for all qt-commands to tell kdevelop the name of the binary. Something
like this on the Qt-Tab:

qmake:    |qmake-qt4
rcc:      |rcc-qt4
designer: |designer-qt4

> The easiest probably for you would be to set 2 different users, 1 in the qt3 
> environment and 1 in the qt4 environment and to switch between those 2...

Not really, I'd rather create a small script kdevelop-qt4 and put that
onto a keyboard shortcut ;-)

But as Qt4 support is still WIP (for example the automake manager
doesn't handle QT4 qmake variables) I hope that a solution can be found.
Hmm, maybe I should file a wishlist report...


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