Color completion patch

Adam Treat manyoso at
Mon Mar 14 23:15:05 UTC 2005

Damn, it might make sense to attach the patch too ;-P

On Monday 14 March 2005 5:18 pm, Adam Treat wrote:
> Hello,
> I've written a very basic patch for katecodecompletion.cpp that allows me
> to insert richtext into a KTextEditor::CompletionEntry and for Kate to
> display it as richtext inside the completion box.  The behavior of the part
> otherwise does not change and it requires absolutely no changes to the KTE
> interface.
> Now, I know Hamish is working on (or already has) code completion in color
> on his repository at home.  I'm not sure the current status of that code,
> but I'm sure it is way better than what I have here, however perhaps we can
> use this in the meantime until Hamish can get his code into shape for cvs. 
> I'm not sure of the BC compatibility, so please take a look...
> Here is a screenshot of KDevelop taking advantage of this patch:
> Cheers,
> Adam
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