My running wishlist of KDevelop
Steven T. Hatton
hattons at
Sat Jun 4 16:08:04 UTC 2005
Here's more. Some of them far less significant than others.
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> <title>KDevelop C++ Part Wishlist</title>
> <chapter>
> <title>KDevelop C++ Part Wishlist</title>
> <itemizedlist>
<title>Extensionless header filename support</title>
Some projects such as OSG use header files with no
extension on the filename. Currently KDevelop does not
support these header files. I know of the following
problems related to using extensionless header filenames:
When these files are opened in the editor, they are
treated as plain text. The syntax highlighting can
be made to work, but the type of the file cannot be
set to C++. This means that the other support
features such as code completion, reformatting,
class and member creation, etc., do not work.
There is no way to create header files without
filename extensions using either the prject manager
or the new class dialog.
If such a file is added to the project using the project
manager, it is still treated as plain text.
<title>Viewing inherited class members</title>
Currently there is no way to view the complete collection
of members of a derived class, includeing the baseclass
members. It would be useful to have that
ability. Ideally, this would go in the class browser.
<title>Open .kdevelop as XML</title>
This is a minor issue. It would be nice if the .kdevelop
file for a project were automatically treated as XML by
KDevelop when opened.
<title>Modifying declaration and definiont as a unit.</title>
Though we can create member functions and have the
declaration added to the header, and the definition to the
source file, there is currently no way to modify the
function declaration and definion as a unit. One approach
would be to extract both the definion and declaration from
the current header and source where they are defined, and
display the composite in a small exitor window. If
possible, this should also bring any doxygen comments into
sync with the modifications to the funciton.
<title>Parameter initialization should only be added to the
If a member function is created using the Add Method
dialog, and a parameter of the function is given a default
value, the default is written to both the declaration and
the definiton. It should only be written to the defition.
<title>Open from the project manager.</title>
There shoud be an option in the project manager to open
and edit the associated with the current
<title>Emacs-style indentation.</title>
If you know what it is, and have used it, you know what I
mean, and why I want it.
<title>Better view of current environment</title>
It should be possible to view a list of all variables from the
environment in
which KDevelop is running, and to select an individual
variable to display its value. This would help the
programer determine what is in the various variables used
by the compiler, preprocessor, etc.
<title>Header filename completion</title>
This works for header files within the project, but does
not work for the entire include path. It would probably
be best to have a means of registering certain directories
as sources of headers to include in the current project,
rather than the entire include path. For example, if the
current project is using an SDK such as OpenSceneGraph,
the OpenSceneGraph include directory would be added to a
list of places to look for header filenames. The, of
course, should add any relative directory names as well,
e.g., #include <osgGA/GUIEventHandler>
<title>GCC output de-mangler</title>
The output form GCC is hard to read, in part because it
repeats the error: and warning: tags are repeted in
multiline messages. If the error messages could be
reformatted to remove those, it would make them easier to read.
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