New parser branch (Was: Dumping the source DOM?)

Roberto Raggi roberto at
Wed Jul 13 13:56:06 UTC 2005

On Wednesday 13 July 2005 13:43, Sylvain Joyeux wrote:
> Do you think it would be possible, though, to use gcc-xml (or whatever
> "static" parser) to parse external dependencies and build persistent
> datastores ? It would workaround the problems you have to parse C++ in
> real-time (which is far from being simple) when advanced functionalities
> are not needed.

it's not about parsing. We already have it. It is about store symbols. Think 
about it. You have your C++ source file parsed.. and now? well now you have 
to store the result of the parser in a suitable form for code completion and 
class browsing(and quick lookup).. I hope you're not thinking to use XML for 
that. The first version of my parser was using XML as intermediate 
representation(3 years ago).. and was stupid and slow. So I wrote Catalog and 
CodeModel. What we should do is to improve Catalog and CodeModel and add 
things like templates, operators, local scope, etc.

ciao robe

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