Language PHP Support

Escuder Nicolas n.escuder at
Tue Apr 19 17:45:05 UTC 2005


- ok i will add new file at the end of in the next patch

- kdevdeepcopy.h is a copy of languages/cpp/kdevdeepcopy.h I think I don't
need deepcopy I will see this.

- phpconfigparser* no more need all is in phpconfigwidget.cpp

- Yes I remove the licence for phperrorview.* for putting the licence from
Roberto Raggi because it's based on it's code but I omit to put it in .h i
Will add it 

- Yes I will put the GPL Licence for my own files

Question :

I must rebuild a full patch or just a new patch ? ;o)

See You 



A few nitpicks: 

- If you've added new files, and it looks like you have, please add them to 
the end of the file. This is just a style thing really, but it 
makes it easier to see what files are new, and you don't have to do it if
don't want to. :)

- the kdevdeepcopy.h file is wrong. use QDeepCopy instead of rolling your
However, you shouldn't need deep copy for QStrings, and if you do, you 
definately should be using QDeepCopy instead.

- Are phpconfigparserwidget.h and phpconfigparserwidget.cpp no longer needed

and hence why they are deleted in the patch?

- You removed the license header from phperrorview.h. please add it back.
can add your own copyright there if you want, but the license headers need
be there.

- The license headers are missing from phpfile.h and phpfile.cpp. You should

add license headers to those files. You can copy a header straight from 
another file and modify it for your own needs.

I won't comment on the functionality in the patch since i don't know PHP, so

if nobody else has any other objects, and the questions I've raised are 
answered, then i imagine you'll probably see your work in kdevelop in the 
next release. (btw, the encapsulation of the new options in phpconfigdata.
{h,cpp} looks much better. thanks for implementing my suggestion.)

Thanks for the patch,


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