New Template System

Sascha Cunz scunz at
Mon May 24 06:23:09 UTC 2004

On Monday 24 May 2004 05:00, Ian Reinhart Geiser wrote:
> Okay campers we now have ripped out the old perl template system and have
> something that imho is infinitely better and easier to extend.  Currently
> only a few templates have been ported, and if anyone wants to inflate their
> CVS stats feel free to chip in.  Its almost all search and replace.
first of all: This looks good.

a) You have added a file "prop_edit.ui" to but not to cvs. I had 
no problem compiling without it, so i assume it should not be in - or is not 
used yet?

b) I don't have my name entered in KDE config, so it was imposible for me to 
go to the 2nd page and enter my name into the "author_edit" field, because 
next button on first page was disabled. I changed next button enabling / 
disabling now, in a way that it requires same fields as before but enables 
next button on first page, if all data for first page is entered.

We should rethink this:
 - Do we really require the user to enter a version number and his name
   while letting him create a project without entering an email. Note:
   GPL suggests to add the email near to the author's name.

 - Maybe it is wise (in terms of usability) to remove the disabling of next
   button completely, now that we have two pages. The disabled finish button
   ought to be enough.

c) in the template tree: click on one project-type, then on a group, then on a 
project-type again. Boom. It explodes into pieces (crashes while deleting an 
already deleted pointer).

Cheers Sascha

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