CHM files

Alexander Dymo cloudtemple at
Sun Mar 21 20:59:03 UTC 2004

On Sunday 21 March 2004 21:03, Thomas Ritter wrote:
> searching the mailing list archives and browsing the CVS, I found the
> following info in the doctreeview chm part:
> (11 months, 1 week ago):
> "Microsoft HTML Help part and kioslave for viewing html files added.
> Integration with doctreeview is coming."
> Is there still work being done? Can I help? I'd love to have chm files in
> the doctree, as I own a load of ebooks in this format.
I didn't pay much attention to that since I've added that. AFAIK nobody else
is working on that too.

> Is there any more documentation on the doctree? I'd like to create some
> scripts/programs to generate doctree folders in KDevelop... PDF files
> sometimes have indexed toc's as well.
> What's the preferred method to plug CHMs into KDevelop's doctree? I could
> modify ChmProtocol::get to create a .toc file when asked for the path /.toc
> inside the file (or a similar name). At the moment only the path "/" is
> being crafted, the rest is HTML anyway.
> Would this help or it this not the correct way to do things like this?
> The .toc file could be used under "KDevelopTOC documentation" directly,
> this would be mildly convenient even without a special GUI. But of course,
> I could create a doctree item subtree... What's the preferred way?
The preferred quick solution would be to modify 
parts/doctreeview/doctreeviewwidget.h(cpp) and add another
DocTreeItem subclasses for PDF's and CHM's like we have now for Devhelp,
Doxygen and KDevelopTOC. To create a subtree of documentation item 
DocTreeItem::refresh() method should be reimplemented. See for example
DocTreeDevHelpFolder::refresh() implementation.
I'd say this is the preferred way over creating .toc files.

Btw, this reminds me of the general design flaw in doctreeview ;) It should
have had plugin system to support various documentation types.

> PS 1: I'd love the doctree as a konqueror sidebar.
Why? If you just want a file browser + doctree - create a profile file for
KDevelop and include fileselector and documentation plugins. This would give
you lightened KDevelop with documentation browsing function.

Alexander Dymo
Ukrainian State Maritime Technical University, ICST Department

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