KDevelop Simple KDE app template and 404 links

Amilcar do Carmo Lucas amilcar at ida.ing.tu-bs.de
Sat Jun 26 23:00:10 UTC 2004

On Thursday 24 June 2004 16:11, Anne-Marie Mahfouf wrote:
> Hi,
> While trying something to help a user, I noted several problems, building a
> new C++ -> KDE-> Simple KDE Application:
> 1- in Project -> Project Options... the icons are missing on the left (I
> recently made a new fresh KDE install)
Still there

> 2- the Simple KDE Application template (KDE Hello World) fails to compile
> due to a faulty
> main.cpp:22: error: `License_$LICENSE$' is not a member of `KAboutData'
> The $LICENCES string is not replaced correctly.

> 3- the licence headers are gone which is bad. All KDE code should have a
> licence notice.
The license headers are there but are broken, it always uses GPL no mater 
what :(. I had fixed that 3 weeks ago, but now with the new appwizard, it's 
boken again :(

> 4-Build -> Make mesages & Merge fails:
> gmake -C po merge
> gmake[1]: *** No rule to make target `merge'.
> The pot file is created but does not contain any messages, just the author
> name and email.
> The 2 and 4 problems are very important because they prevent the new
> kde-would-be-developer to successfully use KDevelop. I believe they can
> easily be fixed by someone who knows where the code is.
> All these links have 404 errors:
It's a problem in ktown. I'll try to get fara to build the API docs for us.
Maybe then we'll fix it once and for all! :)

Amilcar Lucas
Current webmaster
The KDevelop project

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