KDevelop UI cleanup initiative

Steven T. Hatton hattons at globalsymmetry.com
Fri Jun 4 07:44:15 UTC 2004

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 01 June 2004 16:40, Paul Drummond wrote:

> IMO one of the most confusing things is the duplicate back/foward buttons
> for code and documentation.  At the very least, the documentation buttons
> should have different icons, but it would be far better to merge the
> functionality. Is it necessary to have seperate back/forward for code and
> documentation? Wouldn't it be more intuitive to just have a single history
> for both?

I favor just to opposite approach.  I believe the source files and 
documentation should be more clearely distinguished.  The problem with having 
one history is that switching between tab frames is pretty much unrelated to 
what's going on in the document frame. The document frame si basically a web 
browser.  I do agree that the navigation buttons need to be more effectively 
distinguished, and strategically placed.

> Also, when you switch from a document to a editor window, the change in the
> toolbars is very messy.  Not sure how to fix this, but it really makes me
> wonder whether merging document-sensitive buttons in the main menu is worth
> it.  How to users benefit from this inconsistent adding and removing of
> buttons?

I'm not following you well.  Which ui mode are you using?

> Would it not be far more intuitive to have a seperate toolbar for each
> editor window and keep the main menu free to store "main" buttons?  This
> approach would also fix the back/forward issue above because each window
> would have it's own toolbar.
If it can be pulled off with out being to gaudy, that sounds like a reasonable 
option.  It's the way I think.  Keep related things mutually proximate. There 
is work being done on a separate document viewer tool, I believe.  Yes. Try 
typing kdevassistant on the command line.

- -- 
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