QExtMdi qt only ? (Philippe Fremy)

Philippe Fremy phil at freehackers.org
Thu Dec 2 12:53:02 UTC 2004

I tried kdevelop/lib/qextmdi which seems to have code to compile on a Qt 
only system. Actually, it does not compile on Qt only system.

The link you give points to an old QExtMdi. At least the screenshot 
looks very old and they don't talk about Qt3.

I'll try the one from kdelib but the port of KDElib to windows is done 
using cygwin+X11 or using GPL Qt patched for win32. In my case, I am 
using official Qt for win32 and I don't know if it works the same.


Roland Krause wrote:
> Philippe,
> I use an older QExtMdi version from
> http://www.geocities.com/gigafalk/qextmdi.htm which compiles under
> Windows just fine. Afaik, QextMdi is now maintained inside KDE under
> kdelibs/kmdi. I would be _very_ interested in a Windows port of KMdi.
> Actually I believe a Windows port exists as part of the kdelibs windows
> port. I have not had the time to check it out but would be very
> interested in hearing about your experience. 
> Falk, the QextMdi maintained has vanished - at least I have not seen
> him around here lately. 
> Roland
>>   1. QExtMdi qt only ? (Philippe Fremy)
>>	Hi,
>>I am working on the vi-clone yzis (which you certainly have heard
>>of). I 
>>currently have a qt non-commercial license and I am porting the
>>to windows.
>>I would like to use qextmdi like kyzis used kextmdi. Is this possible
>>I need a qt only dependancy, with no other unix stuff. Is QExtMdi
>>maintained and usable in a Qt-only fashion ?
>>	regards,
>>	Philippe
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