how do i run kdevelop HEAD under KDE-3.2.3

Roland Krause rokrau at
Mon Aug 23 19:09:02 UTC 2004

Hi all,
it's been a while since I tried this and my first attempt on getting
the source for HEAD from CVS running ended with this error message. 

QObject::connect: No such signal PartController::loadedFile(const
QObject::connect:  (sender name:   'unnamed')
QObject::connect:  (receiver name: 'make widget')
lt-kdevelop: relocation error: /usr/lib/kde3/
undefined symbol:

The box I am running on runs RH-9 with KDE-3.2.3 from the kde-redhat
project, so it has the lastest "stable" version. I compiled but did not
attempt to install anything since I would like to keep the development
version separate from the system version. 

Any help is appreciated 
PS: Please cc me on your reply since I get the list mail in digest form

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