CTRL-/ does buffer switching, emacs-style

F@lk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at gmx.de
Fri Mar 14 23:54:02 UTC 2003

Julian Rockey wrote:

>On Friday 14 Mar 2003 7:06 am, falk.brettschneider at gmx.de wrote:
>>Can we remove the new added code in cvs for Ctrl+/ (buffer switching)
>>I think it's useless since the *Window menu in the menubar does exactly the
>>same*. And we already have Alt+Cursorkeys.
>>F at lk
>The point is that it makes switching windows much quicker, if you have many 
>windows open and want to switch *without* using the mouse. I wrote it so I 
>could do CTRL-/, first couple of letters of file name, tab, return; in a 
>similar way to C-X b in Emacs. I agree the menu option could be removed from 
>gideon.rc, but personally I'd like to keep the shortcut.
>If this function can be done with Alt+Cursorkeys or the Window menu, please 
>let me know!
Aha! Now I understand its sense. Sorry for the confusion.
F at lk

P.S.: The new filenew dialog is quite nice ;)

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