Problems compiling Gideon under FreeBSD.

Tony Byrne kdevelop at
Thu Jul 3 10:10:26 UTC 2003

Hello Harald,

Wednesday, July 2, 2003, 4:24:07 PM, you wrote:

HF> well... your extra-includes are not passed to g++, so of course it does not
HF> work.

HF> Until the FreeBSD<->Auto*<->KDE buildsystems are settled, please use the 
HF> CXXFLAGS environment variables to set extra include and lib pathes.

HF> Sorry for the lame answer, but KDevelop is based on the KDE buildsystem so 
HF> there is not much we can do there. I hope the situation is better when the 
HF> first betas of KDE 3.2 are released :(

No, your answer is fine! I'm not much of a C/C++ developer,
my experience being more Perl focused, so I was sort of at a loss to
track this one down. I'm just glad that it's a problem that
isn't limited to me and that it's on someone's radar screen.  I'll
play around with the CXXFLAGS.  Gideon makes a great IDE for Perl
development, by the way.




Tony Byrne

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