New document switching mode

Harald Fernengel harry at
Tue Jan 28 02:54:03 UTC 2003


On Monday 27 January 2003 23:18, Jens Zurheide wrote:
> finally I had the time and muse to code on gideon. The attached patch is
> the provisional result. It is by no means finished because it is currently
> only available for the MDI mode (but who uses it nowadays when we have the
> IDEAl mode :-) ) but it is something to play with.
> But to start from the beginning: I encounter the situation very often that
> I switch mainly between two different files. Usually these are the
> implementation file and the header file or documentation/code windows.
> Being a VS-user I am used to the Ctrl-Tab key shortcut and I was missing
> this one in gideon. So I started to implement it myself to avoid the "Hey,
> how about a patch?" question  :p

I hope you know about ALT-Left and ALT-Right :)

> What is working and what not and what is missing? The new switching mode is
> currently implemented and activated for MDI mode. It is not yet implemented
> for IDEAl. A configuration option in the user interface is missing but it
> should not be too hard to implement. Thus I decided to switch the feature
> on by setting the variable m_bSwitchByTime to true for the moment to allow
> a preview of the functionality. And last (but not least) I am pretty sure
> that activating a view by clicking onto a compiler output line is not
> handled correctly yet.
> What do you think? Is this a feature that is worth spending some more time
> on it?
> Comments are welcome.

Did you take a look at the history and sourcenav parts? They are already doing 
something like that. They keep and internal list of previously opened 
documents and you can go back/forward like in a web browser. SourceNav only 
counts changed parts in text while the history part also remembers things 
like documentation, so you can switch back and forth between the last used 
documentation and your code.

Do you think your patch could be included in one of those parts? I was 
planning to merge sourcenav and history into a history part similar to that 
of eclipse, which is pretty powerful, but they don't count the time spent in 
a document so that could be the "better than them" feature :)

Best regards,

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