any chances for creating an extra bug list?

Sandy Meier smeier at
Sun Aug 3 10:58:05 UTC 2003

On Sat, 2 Aug 2003 16:32:30 +0200, Harald Fernengel <harry at> 

> Hi,
> On Saturday 02 August 2003 16:42, Sandy Meier wrote:
>> And everybody that develop for KDevelop (main head,plugins) is 
>> interested
>> in bugs or?
> Personally, I have a KMail filter "Subject Matches \[Bug.*", because 
> otherwise the real discussions are unreadable. Every bug generates 4-5 
> mails nowadays, leading to a lot of scrolling when you want to find an 
> important thread again.

ok, so you have already a solution. :-)

> Maybe we can introduce a digest that informs about closed and added bugs 
> with links to the corresponding bugzilla-pages, but otherwise I vote for 
> the -bugs mailing-list to prevent further flooding of -devel.

As far as I know we get the bug emails directly from I don't 
know if its possible to change the settings or other stuff. :(
As I remember I added the kdevelop-devel@ mailinglist as reciever for bugs 
somewhere in the KDE CVS many years ago. I don't know the current state or 
where to change what :-(
There was also a discussion about moving the list to KDE, but there was no 
answer from Martin Konold for the mail by Ralf Nolden.


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