qmake codecompletion

ErDroh ErDroh at gmx.de
Thu Apr 24 01:17:06 UTC 2003

I tested today the functionality of codecompletion (intelli-sence how ms 
friends it calls). I used some C++ files from a project of mine and done 
some tests...but what must is see: it runned perfectly (*haeepppy*), but 
with the same code and a qmake project...nothing happened. So, what is 
the problem? The same code, the same compiler, but the make is different 
(one with auto*-tools, configure, gmake and one with qmake + gmake). So, 
why does this be a problem? I don't know...maybe some devels here.

Ah, and a nice feature request for some later implementation: a qmake to 
automake tool. (because when somebody writes a program, it is not 
comfortable to use configure, when you changes some parameter, but when 
you want to distribute your sources, it is better to to it with configure)

My 2 cents

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