The release...

Harald Fernengel harry at
Wed Oct 9 16:05:05 UTC 2002


On Wednesday 09 October 2002 11:28, Roberto Raggi wrote:
> what do you think to set "/make/abortonerror" as default for automake/qmake
> projects?

this is a difficult question :) Builds usually take long, so I hit "build", 
leave the room to fetch coffee and when I come back I want to have as much 
done as possible. In the best cast I'll just change the build error in one 
.cpp file and can start running the app. Worst case is that I have a broken 
header file so a lot has to be recompiled.

On the other hand most other IDEs stop at the first error so if you want to 
change the default behaviour go ahead. Most beginners will also expect that 

Best regards,

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