The release...

Falk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at
Wed Oct 9 08:27:04 UTC 2002

> Harry, I would leave the default GUI mode as tabbed MDI. 
> Otherwise you will have half the world screaming about "what the hell"
> this IDEA mode is and "why this gideon thing" looks and feels so
> different from KDevelop. 
> It's an issue of taste after all, nothing more, but I would really
> leave the users with something familiar at least in the beginning. 
That's why KDevelop-2 has the setup wizard that runs automatically if you
start KDevelop for the first time. Before such confusion, that you describe,
can happen, the user can set up his/her personal UI. The same is realized in
KDE's KPersonalizer. I think it's just inevitable in such highly configurable
user-interfaces; otherwise users have a lot to do in post-adjustment which
means to find the just 2 or 3 gears in the million to throw.
IMO Gideon needs such wizard as well, though I agree generating the
documentation and indexing doesn't belong to there.

F at lk

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