
Victor Röder victor_roeder at
Sun Oct 6 14:56:02 UTC 2002


>><mueller at>. Earlier I managed such organisational things for 
>>KDevelop-2 but not any longer. So you should elect a new maintainer or 
>>whatever you call it, to have a chance to get in the release cycle again...
>seems that Celeb Tennis is the only one interessted to maintain gideon ;)
My suggestion is, not to release Gideon within the determined KDE 
release cycles but to have an independent release cycle like KOffice.
I must admit that I don't know what happens with those translations, 
documentations, and if we can stay in the KDE-CVS.

Maybe the first alpha release we can release this month and let us see 
if there are people interested in Gideon (programming).


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