Gideon doctreeview stuff

Falk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at
Wed Nov 13 13:29:02 UTC 2002

> >>I would like to propose the following change to gideon:
> >>
> >>Remove from doc/doctreeview the STL, LIBC, and KDE2BOOK stuff.  This
> >>documentation is not necessary for many people.
> >>Instead, let's put this information, or links to it, at a repository,
> >>the kdevelop web site.  If a user wants a local copy of
> >>they are more than welcome to download a tar file, install it
> >>and change the directory pointers to that location.
> >>Would something like this suffice?
I also love this idea.
It also has the advantage to link to possibly already newer documentation
files than the ones from the installed package of the Linux distribution DVD.
But mainly, it easy my harddisc, make cvs checkouts easier and also the
'make install' procedure.

F at lk

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