Text Editors In KDevelop

Per Edin per.programmering at telia.com
Sat May 25 00:14:03 UTC 2002


I've been using KDevelop since version 1.4 and I must say it is just great.
But since so many people say they use Emacs instead I had to try it out and, 
as they say, emacs is much better than the current KDevelop _text editor_, 
not the whole KDevelop.
Couldn't we include the Emacs editor in KDevelop and when it is used disable 
all other keyboard commands and re-activate them when you press esc 5 for 
Any comments?

Best regards, Per Edin!
Sweden, Europe
Maintainer and Developer @ the KStorm project.
ICQ: 151399739

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