August Hörandl august.hoerandl at gmx.at
Sat May 18 23:19:03 UTC 2002

using kdevelop 2.1 from cvs on suse 8.0:

i create a new project, select a kde-mdi project
everything is checked (lsm, gnu ...)

creating the project i get these errors:

Warning: Input file doesn't exist: AUTHORS
Warning: Input file doesn't exist: project.lsm
Warning: Input file doesn't exist: index.docbook
Warning: Input file doesn't exist: project.desktop

there is also no README, INSTALL ...


August Hörandl               Lieber Admin gib gut acht
august.hoerandl at gmx.at       auf diese meine kleine Fracht
                             bring Sie geschwind zum Zielort hin
                             sonst gibt's die Tage was vor's Kinn.

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