KDevelop team interview

F@lk Brettschneider falk.brettschneider at gmx.de
Thu May 2 23:22:06 UTC 2002

Philippe FREMY wrote:

>	Hi,
>As announced, I will begin the interview. I'll submit the questions by bunch
>instead of all at once, to have more of the interactive feeling. Please
>answer on the mailing list. Do not hesitate to make lengthy answer with lot
>of details or unrelated info; do not hesitate to start off a discussion.
>This is what makes an interview more intersting to read.
>So, here is the first list of questions:
>1. The project
>- How was the project started ? When, by whom, ...
AFAIK Sandy Meier founded it. Some people also from this university 
helped him. Ralf Nolden has also been a member from the first days.

>2. The team
>- Who is working on kdevelop ?
- The ancient people are in KDevelop's About box. That's why the About 
box of KDevelop-2.1 actually needs a real update.
- The current real core team is: 
- Additionally, we got hundreds of patches the year from people all over 
the world. See: http://www.kdevelop.org/index.html?filename=authors.html

>- How did you get started ?
I became a user of KDevelop on version 0.4 or about that time. It was 
pretty close to MSVC that I was used to. First I was just a bugger and 
bothered the list with nice bug reports, especially for the integrated 
debugger patch of John Birch which was the coolest piece of source code 
I've seen on Linux until that day. Later I send small patches and helped 
Sandy Meier with the first attempt of integrating MDI in KDevelop. After 
that I implemented MDI by myself from scratch for KDevelop-2.0 one year 
ago. That time I've learned how KDevelop works. The last year I've spent 
with fixing various bugs. Now the result of our work is an upcoming 
pretty cool KDevelop-2.1.1 that I love to use as my favourite IDE at my 
daily work. Well, I think the important thing is that you must always be 
a KDevelop user. For instance when it crashes 3 times the week with the 
same backtrace, you'll get mad about it and will fix it as soon as you 
find the time. That's my secret recipe. :)

>- How long ago ?
It was summer 1999.

>-> everybody please present himself
>	PHilippe
F at lk

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