team interview

Philippe FREMY P.FREMY at
Thu Jun 13 10:34:02 UTC 2002

> didn't know any vi except :q, :w, i, d, d$ and <ESC> before 
> doing this! (Maybe I knew a few more commands, heh)

:help seems the most useful after the one you named.

> There are a few problems with the kvim part. First is that every window's 
> going to load a separate process. This obviously isn't what we want, but I

> have no idea ATM how this should be fixed. 

I think the TextEditor interface should have the concept of the
multi-document single window editor. Most editors work like that and the
multi-window single document or multi-document is more or less a new concept
with few editors implementing it. 

Most people, from what I have seen, use their IDE with one editor window
only, switching between buffers. If you base KDevelop around this common
concept, it will be far easier to integrate editors and will avoid the one
process per edited file issue.

> Also we seem to have dangling processes after kvim part terminates.

I used to have problems like that but fixed them some times. Maybe Mickael
reintroduced them :-(

If you don't like vim scripting commands, you can also use dcop. And if you
use dcop with the generic ktexteditor interface, your work can be reused for
other editor parts.



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