TODO list (again)

Jens Zurheide jens.zurheide at
Sun Jan 20 11:22:03 UTC 2002

>2 BugFix:    Fix browser font selection

I have this fixed locally. There is a bug in KHTML of KDE-2.2.2 which has 
to be corrected before this works. The colors are not adjustable because 
that would require writing the user settings into a CSS and the applying 
this CSS to the html-page. So I have removed the color settings page.

Currently I am scratching my head about the font sizes. These are somehow 
reset to the initial settings by calling the function openURL() from KHTML. 
I think this is a bug but I want to investigate it a little bit. I think I 
will post a patch somewhen this afternoon/evening.


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