-fno_exceptions problem
W. Tasin
tasin at fhm.edu
Sat Jan 19 13:27:04 UTC 2002
Daniel de Carvalho Gomes wrote:
>Dear sir,
> sorry to bother you again, but at my development team we've
>been having nasty problems with kdevelop since the early versions due
>to the -fexceptions or -fno-exceptions g++ compiler's flag.
> The kdevelop's version 2.0.2 enables by default the
>-fno-exceptions, but I've tried a lot of things to disable it and
>enable the -fexceptions and the only way I found was hack the configure
>script, wich is no good, because I need to edit it each time I run
>autoconf ... ( The problem with the early versions were the inverse,
>with the -fexceptions by default, but doesn't matter).
the -fexception problem is well known... and I will cc: your mail again
to the kdevelop-devel-list to underline the urgency. I talked to Ralf
Nolden to discuss this, but I cannot promise that we solve this until
the next beta-release.
Here the manual way to solve this problem:
The following explanation is for all known project types, except the
custom and the plain-c one (of course):
You have to modify configure.in.in (in the top_level project directory).
If there is no configure.in.in you have to modify the configure.in.
First search inside this file the AC_CHECK_COMPILERS() macro call. If
you found it you should the following line:
If there is no AC_CHECK_COMPILERS() then configure.in.in it begins like:
and you can add the line after the AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE() call (mostly the
end of the file).
After that you should do "Build->Automake/autoconf" and
"Build->Configure" (only to be on the save side) and it should work.
> Well, is there any correct procedure to disable the
>-fno-exceptions and enable the -fexceptions ? Really sorry, but I
>find at the documentations nor at Usenet. By the way, there are some
>people with the same doubt at Usenet ... Maybe I can help'em later. :)
> A suggestion if I may, could the kdevelop team put this at the
>compiler's option under Project options instead enabling it by default?
>Thank you very much!
Referring postings:
The KDevelop project: tasin at kdevelop.de [www.kdevelop.org]
oohhh sveglia.... il mondo e' ammalato, ma x colpa di chi.........
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